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Operations in the Sammy Programming Language
Operation Input Output Note
Source1 Functor Category Source of the functor
Source2 N.T. Functor Source of the N.T.
Target1 Functor Category Target of the functor
Target2 N.T. Functor Target of the N.T.
Ident0 Category Functor Identity functor of a category
Ident1 Functor N.T. Identity N.T. of a functor
Op0 Category Category Opposite category
Op1 Functor Functor Opposite functor
Comp 2 composable funcs Functor Composition of functors
Hcomp 2 composable N.T. N.T. Horizontal composition of N.T.s
Vcomp 2 composable N.T. N.T. Vertical composition of N.T.s
Pow0 2 categories Category Power category
Pow1 2 functors Functor Power functor
KanEx 2 functors Functor & N.T. Right Kan extension
KanExInd 3 functors and a N.T. N.T. Induced by right Kan extension
KanLif 2 functors Functor & N.T. Right Kan lifting
KanLifInd 3 functors and a N.T. N.T. Induced by right Kan lifting
Category Functor The functor C2 ×C1 C2 → C2
If 2 N.T.s and label Conditional break operation
Return Cat, func and/ or NT Final statement of a program

powerは指数のことだろう。Pow0(C, D) := DC かな? 指数構成とカン拡張が基本演算。

エンドの計算 - 檜山正幸のキマイラ飼育記 メモ編で引用した次の論文、


  • C ::= Set | 0 | 1 | C^op | C1 × C2 | C1 + C2 | [C, C]

