- Manifolds, sheaves, and cohomology
- Torsten Wedhorna
- https://www2.math.uni-paderborn.de/fileadmin/Mathematik/People/wedhorn/Lehre/SkriptMannigfaltigkeiten.pdf
Let α ∈ N ∪ {∞}. A locally R-ringed space (X, OX) is called (real) Cα-premanifold if there exists an open covering X = ∪(i∈I | Ui) such that for all i ∈ I there exist n ∈ N, an open subspace Y of Rn, and an isomorphism of locally R-ringed spaces (Ui, OX|Ui) ∼→ (Yi, CαY) (called chart). Here Y and n depend on i.
In this case the structure sheaf is denoted by CαX, and is called the sheaf of Cα-functions on X.
A family of charts Φi: (Ui, OX|Ui) ∼→ (Yi, CαYi) is called atlas if ∪(i∈I | Ui) = X. We call a real C∞-premanifold a smooth premanifold.
- open covering
- openset Y of Rn
- local isomorphism
- chart
- atlas
α-manifold (resp. a complex manifold) is a Cα-premanifold (resp. a complex premanifold) whose underlying topological space is Hausdorff and second countable.
Mallios ADGの微分三つ組
- http://schapos.people.uic.edu/MATH549_Fall2015_files/Survey%20Arda.pdf
Let X be a topological space. A differential triad over X is a triplet δ = (A, ∂, Ω) where A is a sheaf of algebras over X, Ω is an A-module and ∂ : A → Ω is a Leibniz morphism.
Untwisting the definition we have the following data.
∂ : A → Ω is a sheaf morphism such that
- https://arxiv.org/pdf/1403.5741.pdf
まずはモデル空間。l.c. は局所凸
A class of l.c. model spaces or l.c. models is a subclass E of the class of real (Hausdorff) locally convex spaces such that E contains the numerical spaces Rn for all n ∈ N.
Let E be a class of l.c. model spaces, and M0 a Hausdorff topological space.
(1) A smooth E-atlas on M0 is a family of pairs A = {(Uα, φα) ; α ∈ A} such that {Uα ; α ∈ A} is an open cover of M0 and for every α ∈ A, there exists a space Eα from the class E and a homeomorphism φα : Uα −→ φα(Uα) ⊂ Eα such that the following compatibility condition is satisfied: for every α, β ∈ A such that Uαβ = Uα ∩Uβ ≠ empty, the transition map φαβ = φα ◦φβ-1 : φβ(Uα ∩ Uβ) −→ φα(Uα ∩ Uβ) is smooth (in the sense of Definition 3.1). [注: smoothは別な所で定義されている]
(2) Given a smooth E-atlas A on M0, a (compatible) chart on M0 is a pair (U, φ) where U is an open subset of M0 and φ is a homeomorphism from U onto an open subset φ(U) of some space from the class E such that the transition map between (U, φ) and every (Uα, φα) ∈ A is smooth.
(3) A smooth E-atlas A is said to be maximal if any chart (U, φ) compatible with A belongs already to A. A maximal atlas is also called a smooth structure, the class E being understood.
Let E be a class of l.c. model spaces. A smooth Emanifold is a pair M = (M0, A) where M0 is a Hausdorff topological space and A is a maximal smooth E-atlas on M0.
チャートとチャート、あるいはチャートとアトラスが整合(compatible, consistent, admissible)するという概念で、極大アトラスを定義できる。
a sieve on an object X in a category C is a collection of morphisms with codomain X that are closed under precomposition with morphisms in C.
A sieve S on an object c∈C is a subset S⊂Ob(C/c) of the set of objects of the over category over c which is closed under precomposition: it has the property that whenever (d→c)∈S and (e→d)∈Mor(C) then the composition (e→d→c) is in S.
A Grothendieck topology J on a category C is an assignment to each object c∈C c ∈ C of a collection of sieves on c which are called covering sieves, satisfying the following axioms:
- If F is a sieve that covers c and g:d→c is any morphism, then the pullback sieve g*F covers d.
- The maximal sieve id : hom(−,c) → hom(-, c) is always a covering sieve;
- Two sieves F, G of c cover c if and only if their intersection F∩G covers c. (Here the saturation condition is important.)
- If F is a sieve on c such that the sieve ⋃d{g:d→c | g*F covers d} is a covering sieve of c, then F itself covers c.
The set of covering sieves of an object c is denoted J(c).
A restriction category is a category X with a combinator, (-)- : X(A, B) −→ X(A, A), satisfying
- [R.1] f- f = f ; 定義域の部分恒等
- [R.2] f- g- = g- f- ; 共通部分
- [R.3] f- g- = (f- g)-;
- [R.4] f h- = (f h)-f .
A map is total when f = 1.
Manifold completion to tangent structure
(a) From any differential restriction X category we can join complete to obtain a differential join restriction category join(X). Join structure always works well with differentail structure.
(b) Given a differential join restriction category join(X) we can form the manifold completion Man(join(X)).
(c) Man(join(X)) is not a differential restriction category but it has tangent structure .... which axiomatizes the categories arising in differential geometry.
In a restriction category, parallel maps f and g are compatible if f- g = g f- .
A restriction category, X, is a join restriction category if every set of compatible maps, C ⊆ X(A, B), has a join (sup) that is stable; i.e.,
- f(∨(g | g∈C)) = ∨(f g | g∈C)
Theorem: Join and differential restriction structure are compatible; i.e.
- D[∨(f | f∈C)] = ∨(D[f] | f∈C)
If X is a join restriction category, an atlas of objects from X consists of a set of objects Xi ∈ X, together with a series of maps Xi -(φij)→ Xj such that:
- φiiφij = φij ;
- φijφjk ≤ φik ;
- φij has partial inverse φji.
Each map φii : Xi −→ Xi is a restriction idempotent, and represents the “open subset” of Xi that the chart is using. The maps φij define how these charts overlap.
(tangent bundles) a cartesian restriction functor X -(T)→ X with a total natural transformation T =(p)⇒ I;
(tangent bundle products) for each M ∈ X and natural number n ≥ 2, the restriction pullback of n copies of TM -(p)−→ M exists and is denoted by (Tn(M), p1 . . . pn), with each pi total: this implies each Tn is a join restriction functor when there are joins, and the arrows Tn -(pi) −−→ T are natural;
(addition of tangent vectors) there are total natural transformations + : T2 −→ T and 0: I −→ T [以下省略、足し算ができること]
(vertical lift) a natural transformation ℓ : T ⇒ T2 such that for each M
- (ℓM, 0M) : (p : TM→M, +, 0) → (Tp : T2M → TM, T(+), T(0))
is an additive bundle morphism;
(canonical flip) there is a total natural transformation c : T2 ⇒ T2 such that for each M
- (cM, 1) : (Tp : T2M → TM, T(+), T(0)) → (pT : T2M→TM, +T , 0T )
is an additive bundle morphism;
- cは T2⇒T2 という対称変換である。
- cが対称であることは、cc = 1(アルチン/ライデマイスターII) とまんなかの可換図式(アルチン/ライデマイスターIII)が示している。
- ℓは余対称なセミ余モナドである。セミモナドは単位がないモナドで、セミ余モナド、または余セミモナドはその双対。
- セミ余モナドの余乗法は対称に対してすり抜けができる(ただし片側だけ)。
https://arxiv.org/pdf/1606.08379.pdf から、原文間違っているかも。
- T(A) := L(A)×A
- T(f) := <D[f], π1 f>
- p = π1 射影の定義
- ℓ(u, x) = (u, 0, 0, x)
- c(u, v, w, x) = (u, w, v, x).
デカルト微分圏の定義 - 檜山正幸のキマイラ飼育記 メモ編からコピー、そちらに説明あり。
A generalized Cartesian differential category consists of a Cartesian category X with:
- for each object X, a commutative monoid L(X), satisfying
- L(L(X)) = L(X) and
- L(X × Y) = L(X) × L(Y),
- for each map f : X→Y , a map D[f] : L(X)×X →L(Y) such that:
- [CD.1] D[+X] = π0 (+X), D[0X] = π0 0X,
- [CD.2] 〈a + b, c〉D[f] = 〈a, b〉D[f] + 〈b, c〉D[f] and 〈0, a〉D[f] = 0;
- [CD.3] D[π0] = π0 π0, and D[π1] = π0 π1;
- [CD.4] D[〈f, g〉] = 〈D[f], D[g]〉;
- [CD.5] D[fg] = 〈D[f], π1 f〉D[g];
- [CD.6] 〈〈a, 0〉,〈c, d〉〉D[D[f]] = 〈a, d〉D[f];
- [CD.7] 〈〈0, b〉,〈c, d〉〉D[D[f]] = 〈〈0, c〉,〈b, d〉〉D[D[f]];