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Equationally Cartesian / Equationally CoCartesian

対角Δと弱終射◇(重複と放電)、それらの等式で定義される圏を単にデカルト圏と呼ぶのはまずいな。等式的デカルト(Equationally Cartesian)圏かな。


The following observation is category-theoretical folklore:

Lemma 3.3 The focus is the largest subcategory on which the tensor product, together with Δ and ◇, restricts to a cartesian product.

In particular, it follows that C = C# iff the monoidal structure on C, with its diagonals, is given by a cartesian product. In this case, we also say C is cartesian.


Equationallyが効いてくるのは、Equationally BiCartesianのときかな。