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  • Golan "Semirings and Their Applications" →http://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/product/0792357868
  • Wagneur, E. "Moduloids and Pseudomodules. I. Dimension theory." Discrete Mathematics, 98, 57-73, 1991 ベキ等半環の次元論があるらしい。入手
  • M. Takahashi "On the bordism categories II -- Elementary properties of semimodules -- " Math. Sem. Notes, Kobe Univ., 9(1981), 495-530.
  • Joyal A. and Street R., The geometry of tensor calculus I, Advances in Math., 1991, V.88,55--112, MR92d:18011.
  • G.M. Kelly and R. Street, Review of the elements of 2-categories, Proc. Sydney Category Theory Seminar 1972/73, Lecture Notes in Math. 420, Springer (1974) 75-103.