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まだGraeme Segal

ジョン・バエズ(John Baez)は頻繁にグレアム・シーガル(Graeme Segal)に言及している。
バエズの"This Week's Finds in Mathematical Physics (Week **) "にシーガルやその論文が登場するのは:

  1. 不明 (Week 42)
  2. September 23, 1995 (Week 64)
  3. May 17, 1996 (Week 82)
  4. February 1, 1998 (Week 115)
  5. February 14, 1998 (Week 117)
  6. April 2, 1999 (Week 132)
  7. June 12, 2000 (Week 149)
  8. July 15, 2000 (Week 153)
  9. March 30, 2002(Week 179)
  10. July 30, 2002 (Week 183)
  11. August 4, 2002 (Week 184)
  12. August 8, 2003 (Week 197)
  13. December 8, 2003 (Week 199)
  14. December 31, 2003 (Week 200)
  15. March 26, 2005 (Week 212)

実際にはもっとありそうだ。(Week 149)(http://math.ucr.edu/home/baez/week149.html)で曰く(all these subjects = homotopy theory, string theory, elliptic curves, modular forms):

Is anyone actually an expert on all these subjects? Perhaps Graeme Segal is!


I'm sure he mastered the theory of elliptic curves one weekend when he was a kid.



  • Graeme Segal, Elliptic cohomology, Asterisque 161-162 (1988), 187-201.
