Boolean algebras with operators より:
Abbreviation: BAO
Definition: A Boolean algebra with operators is a structure A = (A,∨,0, ∧,1,¬,fi (i ∈ I)) such that
- (A,∨,0,∧,1,¬) is a Boolean algebra,
- fi is join-preserving in each argument: fi( ..., x∨y, ...) = fi(..., x, ...)∨fi(..., y, ...), and
- fi is normal in each argument: fi(..., 0, ...) = 0 for each i ∈ I.
Morphisms: Let A and B be Boolean algebras with operators of the same signature. A morphism from A to B is a function h : A→B that is a Boolean homomorphism and preserves all the operators: h(fi(x1, ..., xn)) = fi(h(x1), ..., h(xn)).