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タイトル ページ数 略称
Programming and Proving in Isabelle/HOL 63 prog-prove
A Proof Assistant for Higher-Order Logic 223 tutorial
Tutorial to Locales and Locale Interpretation 20 locales
Haskell-style type classes with Isabelle/Isar 22 classes
Defining (Co)datatypes and ... 61 datatype
Defining Recursive Functions in Isabelle/HOL 20 functions
Code generation from Isabelle/HOL theories 43 codegen
Picking Nits 53 nitpick
Hammering Away 27 sledgehummer
The Eisbach User Manual 26 eisbanch
LaTex Sugar for Isabelle Documents 11 suger
What’s in Main 11 main
The Isabelle/Isar Reference Manual 341 isar-ref
The Isabelle/Isar Implementation 159 implementation
The Isabelle System Manual 40 system
Isabelle/jEdit 60 jedit
Old Introduction to Isabelle 77 intro
Isabelle's Logics 99 logics
Isabelle’s Logics: FOL and ZF 85 logics-ZF
jEdit 5.3 User's Guide 147 jedit-manual
Haskebelle 12 haskebelle

Isabelle/jEditでは、PDF文書が 11, 5, 3, 1, 1 のグループ分けしてあって、総計21文書。

  1. 63
  2. 223
  3. 20
  4. 22
  5. 61
  6. 20
  7. 43
  8. 53
  9. 27
  10. 26
  11. 11
  12. 11
  13. 341
  14. 159
  15. 40
  16. 60
  17. 77
  18. 99
  19. 85
  20. 147
  21. 12



タイトル ベージ数 略称(リンク) ローカル名
A Tutorial Introduction to Structured Isar Proofs 21 isar-overview isar-overview.pdf
Asynchronous Proof Processing with Isabelle/Scala and Isabelle/jEdit 38 2010slide
Isabelle/PIDE as Platform for Educational Tools 11 2013edu
PIDE as front-end technology of Coq 13 CoqPIDE
Getting Started with Isabelle/jEdit 6 GetStart Isabelle-PIDE_1208.1368.pdf
System description: Isabelle/jEdit in 2014 11 SysDesc2014
Asynchronous Proof Processing with Isabelle/Scala and Isabelle/jEdit 15 Isabelle/Scala
Isabelle/Isar ― a generic framework for human-readable proof documents 20 isar-framework
Introduction to Interactive Theorem Proving with Isabelle/HOL slide 27 intro-slide Isabelle-Isar_notes-2015-06-17.pdf
Isabelle Tutorial and User’s Manual 144 1990-manual 1990-IsabelleManual_UCAM-CL-TR-189.pdf
The Foundation of a Generic Theorem Prover 37 foundation
Isabelle: The Next 700 Theorem Provers 24 next700
  1. 次の3つは同じだった。isar-overviewだ。
  2. isar-overviewは最新ではない。
  3. 2010slideとIsabelle/Scalaは話題は同じ Beyond Proof General で、どちらも2010
  4. isar-frameworkは、同梱isar-refのchapter 2 とほとんど同じ。
  5. 1990-manualの"5 Defining Logics"が参考になりそう。
  6. intro-slideは割と新しい(June 17th, 2015)