このブログは、旧・はてなダイアリー「檜山正幸のキマイラ飼育記 メモ編」(http://d.hatena.ne.jp/m-hiyama-memo/)のデータを移行・保存したものであり、今後(2019年1月以降)更新の予定はありません。

今後の更新は、新しいブログ http://m-hiyama-memo.hatenablog.com/ で行います。

(m)elpa を見て

ProofGeneral, ESS なんてのはパッケージにない。


tuareg is an uninstalled package.

     Status: Available -- Install
    Version: 20150316.1247
   Requires: caml-
    Summary: OCaml mode for Emacs.

Tuareg helps editing OCaml code, to highlight important parts of
the code, to run an OCaml toplevel, and to run the OCaml debugger
within Emacs.

If you have permissions to the local `site-lisp' directory, you
only have to copy `tuareg.el', `tuareg_indent.el', `ocamldebug.el'
and `tuareg-site-file.el'.  Otherwise, copy the previous files
to a local directory and add the following line to your `.emacs':

(add-to-list 'load-path "DIR")
caml is an uninstalled package.

     Status: Available -- Install
    Version: 20141015.634
    Summary: OCaml code editing commands for Emacs


merlin is an uninstalled package.

     Status: Available -- Install
    Version: 20150501.1027
    Summary: Mode for Merlin, an assistant for OCaml.

merlin-mode is an Emacs interface to merlin.  It allows you to perform
queries such as getting the type of an expression, completion, and so on.

You need merlin installed on your system (ocamlmerlin binary) for merlin-mode
to work.