Bigroupoid 2-torsors
これは、Igor Bakovicの2007年の学位論文。次に言及がある。
I Introduction 7 1 The introduction 8 II One-dimensional theory 23 2 Simplicial objects 24 3 Internal categories and internal groupoids 33 4 Nerves of categories 37 5 Actions of categories and groupoids 40 6 Small fibrations 49 III Two-dimensional theory 54 7 Bicategories 55 8 Nerves of bicategories 70 9 Internal bicategories 72 10 Pseudosimplicial categories 82 11 Small 2- ̄brations 86 12 The second nonabelian cohomology 97 13 Actions of bicategories 105 14 Bigroupoid 2-torsors 115 15 Simplicial interpretation of bigroupoid 2-torsors 121 IV The bibliography and biographical data 128