このブログは、旧・はてなダイアリー「檜山正幸のキマイラ飼育記 メモ編」(http://d.hatena.ne.jp/m-hiyama-memo/)のデータを移行・保存したものであり、今後(2019年1月以降)更新の予定はありません。

今後の更新は、新しいブログ http://m-hiyama-memo.hatenablog.com/ で行います。



$TEXMF (= {$TEXMFLOCAL,$TEXMFMAIN,$TEXMFDIST}) は,/usr/local/teTeX/share/{texmf-dist,texmf-local,texmf} (ptetex3) だったり /usr/share/{texmf-dist,texmf-local,texmf} (ptetex3 in Vine Linux) だったり /usr/local/share/{texmf-local,texmf} (W32TeX) だったり。

TEXMFツリー(の集まり)がどう構成されるかは、c:/Installed/tex/share/texmf/web2c/texmf.cnf に書いてあった。

% Part 1: Search paths and directories.

% You can set an environment variable to override TEXMF if you're testing
% a new TeX tree, without changing anything else.
% You may wish to use one of the $SELFAUTO... variables here so TeX will
% find where to look dynamically. See the manual and the definition
% below of TEXMFCNF.

% The main tree, which must be mentioned in $TEXMF, below:

% A place for local additions to a "standard" texmf tree. For example:
TEXMFLOCAL = $SELFAUTODIR/share/texmf-local

% The main distribution tree:
TEXMFDIST = $SELFAUTODIR/share/texmf-dist

% Var tree:
% TEXMFVAR = $SELFAUTODIR/share/texmf-var

% User texmf trees can be catered for like this...
TEXMFHOME = ~/texmf

% Now, list all the texmf trees. If you have multiple trees you can
% use shell brace notation, like this:
% The braces are necessary. If you set TEXFMVAR and/or TEXMFHOME, you can also
% list $TEXFMVAR and/or $TEXMFHOME in the TEXMF definition.

% If we use TEXMFVAR

% Where to look for ls-R files. There need not be an ls-R in the
% directories in this path, but if there is one, Kpathsea will use it.
% By default, this is only the !! elements of TEXMF, so that mktexlsr
% does not create ls-R files in the non-!! elements -- because if an
% ls-R is present, it will be used, and the disk will not be searched.
% This is arguably a bug in kpathsea.

% The system trees. These are the trees that are shared by all the users.

% Where generated fonts may be written. This tree is used when the sources
% were found in a system tree and either that tree wasn't writable, or the
% varfonts feature was enabled in MT_FEATURES in mktex.cnf.
VARTEXFONTS = c:/var/tex/fonts

% It may be convenient to define TEXMF like this:
% which allows users to set up entire texmf trees, and tells TeX to
% look in places like ~/tex and ~/bibtex. If you do this, define TEXMFDBS
% like this:
% or mktexlsr will generate an ls-R file for $HOME when called, which is
% rarely desirable. If you do this you'll want to define SYSTEXMF like
% this:
% so that fonts from a user's tree won't escape into the global trees.
% On some systems, there will be a system tree which contains all the font
% files that may be created as well as the formats. For example
% TEXFMVAR = /var/lib/texmf
% is used on many Linux systems. In this case, set VARTEXFONTS like this
% and do not mention it in TEXMFDBS (but _do_ mention TEXFMVAR).

% ConTeXt
